Congratulations, Dr. McKenna!
Myriam got married!
Myriam passed her Seminar II and Independent Research Proposal!
Myriam was recognized for building a more inclusive chemistry community at uOttawa
Myriam presented a Twitter poster at LOGIC 2021
Myriam and Leah (PhD in Dr. Ben Lab) presented a Twitter posted for #LOGIC2021 as the uOttawa CWIC cochairs. The poster outlines the first year of CWIC and the initiatives we have created.
Congratulations Myriam and Neil!
Congratulations to Myriam, Romeo, and collaborators for their latest preprint in ChemRxiv!
The group presented at CBGRC!
Jacky, Myriam, and Alisha elected as executives of the Chemistry and Biomolecular Science Graduate Association
Alison, Jacky, and Myriam presented at #MICER20
Alisha, Myriam, and Jacky presented at OCCI day
A time for celebration
Congratulations on the new article, Myriam and Alison!
Congratulations on the new article, Myriam, Rebecca, and Alison!
Myriam, Rebecca, and Alison have published a new article titled: Evaluating students’ learning gains, strategies, and errors using OrgChem101’s Module: Organic Mechanisms — Mastering the arrows.
Here is the link to the article:!divAbstract
Post-test versus pre-test scores: Overall (left, blue circles), for LO1: Draw the arrows (middle, red triangles), for LO2: Draw the products (right, yellow squares). N = 103.