On this page you’ll find our group’s


54. Youssef, A. M.; Flynn, A. B. “The language of organic chemistry: is fluency the key to success?” ChemRxiv, 2024, doi:10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-nz3kn.

53. Szozda A.R.; Lalani Z.; Behroozi S.; Mahaffy P.G.; & Flynn A.B.. Systems thinking encourages a safe space to offer different perspectives and insights”: Student perspectives and experiences with ST activities. J. Chem. Educ. 2024, 101, 2290–2307.

52. Szozda, A. R.; Mahaffy, P. G.; Flynn, A. B. “Identifying chemistry students’ baseline systems thinking skills when constructing systems for a topic on climate change", J. Chem. Educ. 2023, 100, 1763–1776.

51. Deng, J. M.; Flynn, A. B. ““I am working 24/7, but I can't translate that to you”: The barriers, strategies, and needed supports reported by chemistry trainees from English-as-additional language backgrounds”. J. Chem. Educ. 2023, 100, 1523-1536.

50. O’Connor, E.; Marcogliese, E.; Anis, H.; Faye, G.; Flynn, A. B.; Hayman, E.; & Stambouli, J. "Adapting experiential learning in times of uncertainty: Challenges, strategies, and recommendations moving forward" Engaged Scholar Journal: Community-Engaged Research, Teaching, and Learning. 2022, 8, 49-56.

49. Deng, J.M.; Carle, M.S.; & Flynn, A. B., Supporting students’ reasoning in chemistry arguments and designing resources using constructive alignment, Invited contribution to “Reasoning in chemistry education”. 2022, Royal Society of Chemistry.

48. Szozda, A.; Bruyere, K.; Lee, H.; Mahaffy, P.; & Flynn, A. B. “Educators’ perspectives on system’s thinking in chemistry education”, J. Chem. Educ. 2022, 99, 2472–2483.

47. Deng, J. M.; Rahmani, M.; & Flynn, A. B. “The role of language in students’ justifications of scientific phenomena”. Int. J. Sci. Educ. 2022, 44, 2131–2151.

46. Lapierre, K. C.; Streja, N.; & Flynn, A. B. “Investigating the role of multiple categorization tasks in a curriculum designed around mechanistic patterns and principles” Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. 2022, Advance article. DOI: 10.1039/D1RP00267H

45. O’Connor, E.; Roy, K.; O’Hagan, F.; Brown, E. C.; Richard, G.; Walsh, E.; & Flynn, A. B. “Growth & Goals: A course-integrated open education resource to help students increase learning skills”, Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2022, In Press. Manuscript.

44. Deng, J. M.; Streja, N.; & Flynn, A. B. “Response process validity evidence in chemistry education research”, J. Chem. Educ., 2021.

43. Carle, M. S.; Deng, J. M.; Huang, D.; Lapierre, K. R.; Mesnic, N.; Bodé, N. E.; Featherstone, R. B.; Ingram, Q.; O’Connor, E. K.; Roberge, S.; Roy, K.; Veilleux-Deschênes, J.; Znotinas, A.; & Flynn, A. B. “Engaging students as co-creators of course resources and learning experiences.” New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2021, 63­–76.

42. O’Connor, E.; Roy, K.; Walsh, E.; Huang, D.; Ke, D.; Brown, E. C.; Moreau, K. A.; & Flynn, A. B. “The evaluation of an integrated Growth & Goals Module to better equip students with learning skills in postsecondary courses: systematic, scalable, and explicit” Submitted. ChemRxiv, 2021, Preprint.

41. O’Connor, E.; Roy, K.; O’Hagan, F.; Brown, E. C.; Richard, G.; Walsh, E.; & Flynn, A. B. “Growth & Goals: A course-integrated open education resource to help students increase learning skills”, Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2022, In Press. Manuscript.

40. Deng, J. M.; & Flynn, A. B. “Reasoning, granularity, and comparisons in students’ arguments on two organic chemistry items”, Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2021, 22, 749 - 771.

39. Raycroft, M. & Flynn, A. B. “What works? What’s missing? An evaluation model for science curricula with five lenses of learning outcomes” Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. 2020, 21, 1110–1131.

38. Carle, M. & Flynn, A. B. “Essential learning outcomes for delocalization (resonance) concepts: How are they taught, practiced and assessed in Organic Chemistry?” Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. 2020, 21, 622–637.

37. Carle, M.; Visser, R.; Flynn, A. B. “Evaluating students’ learning gains, strategies, and errors using OrgChem101’s module: organic mechanisms–mastering the arrows” Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. 2020, 21, 582–596.

36. Bongers, A.; Beauvoir, B.; Streja, N.; Northoff, G.; & Flynn, A. B. “Building mental models of a reaction mechanism: the influence of static and animated representations, prior knowledge, and spatial ability” Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. 2020, 21, 496–512.

35. Bongers, A.; Flynn, A. B.; & Northoff, G. “Is learning scale-free? Chemistry learning increases EEG fractal power and changes the power law exponent” Neuroscience Research. 2019, Invited contribution. doi.org/10.1016/j.neures.2019.10.011.

34. Pazicni, S. & Flynn, A. B. “Systems Thinking in Chemistry Education: Theoretical challenges and opportunities” J. Chem. Educ. 2019, 96 (12), 2752–2763.

33. Flynn, Alison B.; Orgill, MaryKay; Ho, Felix; York, Sarah; Matlin, Stephen A.; Constable, David J. C.; & Mahaffy, Peter G. “Future Directions for Systems Thinking in Chemistry Education: Putting the Pieces Together.” J. Chem. Educ., 2019, 96 (12), 3000–3005.

32. Flynn, A. B. “Chemistry Education Research in the Canadian Journal of Chemistry: expanded scope and guidelines for authors” Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 97(10), iii–v.

31. Flynn, A. B.; Watson, G.; & Wilson, J. “Write a teaching philosophy statement that stands out” University Affairs, March 6, 2019.

30. Lapierre, K. & Flynn, A. B. “An online categorization task to investigate students’ changing interpretations of organic chemistry reactions.” J. Res. Sci. Teach. 2019, 57, 87–111.

29. Bodé, N. E.; Deng, J. M.; & Flynn, A. B. “Getting Past the Rules and to the WHY: Causal Mechanistic Arguments When Judging the Plausibility of Organic Reaction Mechanisms.” J. Chem. Educ. 2019, 96(6), 1068–1082.

28. Bongers, A.; Northoff, G.; & Flynn, A. B. “Working with Mental Models to Learn and Visualize a New Reaction Mechanism.” Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. 2019, 20, 554–569.

27. Galloway, K. R.; Leung, M. W.; & Flynn, A. B. “Patterns of Reactions: A card sort task to investigate students’ organization of organic chemistry reactions.” Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. 2019, 20, 30–52.

26.  Webber, D. M. & Flynn, A. B.  "How Are Students Solving Familiar and Unfamiliar Organic Chemistry Mechanism Questions in a New Curriculum?" J. Chem. Educ. 2018, 98, 1451–1467. 

25. Visser, R. & Flynn, A. B. “What are students’ learning and experiences in an online learning tool designed for cognitive and metacognitive skill development?” Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching (CELT). 2018, 11, 129–140.

24. Galloway, K. R.; Leung, M. W.; & Flynn, A. B. "A Comparison of How Undergraduates, Graduate Students, and Professors Organize Organic Chemistry Reactions" J. Chem. Educ. 2018, 95, 355-365.

23. Galloway, K. R.; Stoyanovich, C.; & Flynn, A. B. "Students’ interpretations of mechanistic language in organic chemistry before learning reactions" Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. 201718, 353.

22. Flynn, A. B. & Featherstone, R. B. "Language of mechanisms: exam analysis reveals students' strengths, strategies, and errors when using the electron-pushing formalism (curved arrows) in new reactions" Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. 201718, 64.

21. Flynn, A. B. "Flipped chemistry courses: Structure, aligning learning outcomes, and evaluation" Chapter in Online Approaches to Chemical Education. ACS Symposium Series, Vol. 1261. 2017. Chapter 12, pp 151–164. Invited contribution.

20. Bodé, N. E.; Caron, J.; & Flynn, A. B. "Evaluating students' learning gains and experiences from using nomenclature101.com" Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. 201617, 1156.

19. Bodé, N. E. & Flynn, A. B. “Strategies of Successful Synthesis Solutions: Mapping, Mechanisms, and More” J. Chem. Educ. 201693, 593–604. An ACS Editor’s Choice article.

18. Flynn, A. B. & Amellal, D. G. “Chemical information literacy: pKa values: Where do students go wrong?” J. Chem. Educ. 201693, 39–45.

17. Stoyanovich, C. M.; Gandhi, A.; & Flynn, A. B. “Acid–base learning outcomes for students in an introductory organic chemistry course” J. Chem. Educ201592, 220–229.

16. Flynn, A. B. & Ogilvie, W. W. “Mechanisms before reactions: A mechanistic approach to the organic chemistry curriculum based on patterns of electron flow” J. Chem. Educ. 2015, 92, 803–810.

15. Flynn, A. B. “Structure And Evaluation Of Flipped Chemistry Courses: Organic & Spectroscopy, Large And Small, First To Third Year, English And French” Chem. Educ. Res. Pract.201516, 198–211

14. Flynn, A. B. “How do students work through organic synthesis learning activities?”  Chem. Educ. Res. Pract.201415, 747–762.

13. Flynn, A. B.; Caron, J.; Laroche, J.; Daviau-Duguay, M.; Marcoux, C.; & Richard, G. “Nomenclature101.com: A free, student-driven organic chemistry nomenclature learning tool” J. Chem. Educ. 201491, 1855–1859. 

12. Flynn, A. B. “NMR Interpretation: Getting from Spectrum to Structure” J. Chem. Educ201289, 1210–1212.

11. Flynn, A. B. “A Post-Class Question That Provides Feedback and Connects In- and Out-of-Class Learning”Collected Essays on Teaching and Learning Journal20125, 153–160.

10. Daviau-Duguay, M. & Flynn, A. B. “Launch of an online interactive tool to support learning organic chemistry / Le lancement d’un outil interactif en ligne pour soutenir l’apprentissage de la chimie organique.” The Thinker / Le penseur, January 20125. Invited contribution.

9. Flynn, A. B. “Development of an post-class question method and its integration with teaching” J. Chem. Educ201289, 456–464.

8. Flynn, A. B. & Biggs, R. “The development and implementation of a problem-based learning (PBL) format in a senior undergraduate synthetic and medicinal chemistry laboratory course.” J. Chem. Educ201189, 52–57.

7. Flynn, A. B. “Developing Problem-Solving Skills through Retrosynthetic Analysis and Clickers in Organic Chemistry” J. Chem. Educ.201188, 1496–1500.

From Alison’s PhD research:

6. Rajagopal, T.; Flynn, A. B.; & Ogilvie, William W. “Single isomer trisubstituted olefins bearing alkyl groups” Tetrahedron, 2010, 66, 8739–8744.

5. Simard-Mercier, J.; Jiang, J. L.; Ho, M. L.; Flynn, A. B.; Ogilvie, W. W. “Single isomer trisubstituted olefins from a novel reaction of E-b-chloro-a-iodo-a,b-unsaturated esters and amides” J. Org. Chem. 2008, 73, 5899–5906.

4. Simard-Mercier, J.; Flynn, A. B.; & Ogilvie, W. W.  “A simple method to prepare single isomer tetrasubstituted olefins by successive Suzuki–Miyaura cross-couplings of E-β-chloro-α-iodo-α,β-unsaturated esters” Tetrahedron 2008, 64, 5472–5481.

3. Flynn, A. B. & Ogilvie, W. W. “Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted Olefins” Chemical Reviews, 2007, 107, 4698–4745. An ACS Most-Accessed Article for the fourth quarter of 2007.

2. Ho, M. L.; Flynn, A. B. & Ogilvie, W. W. “Single Isomer Iodochlorination of Alkynes and Chlorination of Alkenes Using Tetrabutylammonium Iodide and Dichloroethane.” J. Org. Chem. 2007, 72, 977–983.

1. Lemay (Flynn), A. B., Vulic, K.S.; & Ogilvie, W.W. “Single Isomer Tetrasubstituted Olefins from Regioselective and Stereospecific Palladium-Catalyzed Coupling of b-Chloro-a-Iodo-a,b-Unsaturated Esters.” J. Org. Chem. 2006, 71, 3615–3618.

Books, book chapters, and reports

New Professors’ Guide | Guide pour les nouveaux membres du corps professoral, Comité stratégique pour le soutien à l’enseignement et à l’apprentissage de l’Université d’Ottawa, Committee Chair: Alison Flynn, 2023.

Germain-Rutherford, A.; Barwell, R.; Bergeron, A.; Flynn, A.; Kulik, R.; Claire-Lazar, N.; Sawada, M.; Thériault, S.; Sall, N. “Report: Working group on artificial intelligence in teaching and learning”, 2023. Report.

Imagining our 5G Campus, Working group report.” Office of the Vice-President Research and Innovation., 2022, English | French.

Flynn, A. B. & Kerr, J. T. “Inclusive education: simple strategies to improve equity and embrace diversity”, 2022, French version | English version.

Deng, J. M, Carle, M. S., & Flynn, A. B. “Supporting students’ reasoning skill development in chemistry arguments through constructive alignment Invited book chapter, RSC Advances in Chemistry Education, 2022,Chapter 5, 74–89.

Flynn, A.B. Chapter 7: Problem solving in organic chemistry synthesis” Invited book chapter, RSC Advances in Chemistry Education. 2021, 145–165, doi.org/10.1039/9781839163586.

Flynn, A. B. & Kerr. J. T. Remote teaching: a practical guide with tools, tips, and techniques, 2020, Pressbooks, French version | English version.

Allen, M.; Szozda, A.; Kerr, J. T., & Flynn, A. B. Remote teaching: a guide for teaching assistants, 2020, Pressbooks, French version | English version

Growth & Goals Module: a module to help you become a more proficient learner. 2020, Pressbooks, Course independent version | Course Integrated version. More information.

Module de croissance et d'objectifs: un module pour vous aider à devenir plus compétent dans votre apprentissage, 2020, Pressbooks, Version indépendante | Version intégrée dans les cours. Plus d'informations

Media and Reports

34. Sharon Oosthoek “Q&A on teaching with Alison Flynn, MCIC” CIC News, April 2021. LINK

33. Chemical Institute of Canada, “Online teaching – by the book”, June 2020. LINK

32. University Affairs “COVID-19: updates for Canada’s universities – U of Ottawa profs publish free ebook on remote teaching” May 29, 2020. LINK

31. Flynn, A.; Subash, A. S.; Cervone, C. O.; Pires, F. F.; Bassioni, G. ; Ahmed, N.; Inglesi-Lotz, R.; Kefi, R.; Kaur-Ghumaan, S. “GYA Women in Science stay and work from home: How might we make Covid-19 lockdown work for us?” Global Young Academy, May, 2020. LINK

30. Alison Flynn “Let’s get (more) students to the tables in education” University Affairs, May 22, 2020. LINK

29. Riley Petillion, “Episode #5 – Dr. Alison Flynn”, UBCO Chemistry Graduate Student Society Podcast Series, May, 2020. Link

28. Fraser Scott “Mastering organic chemistry reactions” in Education in Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry, April 28, 2020. Link

27. Emilio I. Alarcon, “Episode 25 BEaTS Research Radio – Interview with Dr. Alison Flynn” April 2020. Link

26. Liza Agrba. “How Canadian universities are evaluating students during the coronavirus pandemic”. MacLean’s, March, 2020. Link

25. uOttawa Gazette “Tips for moving face-to-face classes online… FAST!” March 24, 2020. Link

24. Tim Lougheed. “Chemistry community confronts coronavirus”. March, 2020. Link

23. Julia Winter “S1E6: Center on Student Growth”, Podcast, Ideas that Matter, 2020. (iTunes: https://t.co/bvAdJfbsTw?amp=1 Spotify: https://t.co/6YHyjmZqVE?amp=1)

Screen Shot 2020-03-22 at 9.22.55 AM.png

23. Flynn, A. B. “Report: Science Advice and Science Leadership Workshop for Early Career Scientists and Policy Makers”. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 2019. Link

22. Flynn, A. B. “Chemistry Education Research in the Canadian Journal of Chemistry: expanded scope and guidelines for authors” Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 97(10), iii–v. Link

21. Flynn, A. B.; Watson, G.; and Wilson, J. “Write a teaching philosophy statement that stands out” University Affairs, March 6, 2019. Link. Editor’s Pick.

20. Growth & Goals module featured during Open Education Week, 2019. Link

19. OrgChem101 learning modules featured during Open Education Week, 2019. Link

18. “Remarkable researchers join a prestigious academy” Gazette, February 21, 2019. Link

17. Judith Tobin. “Developing and Integrating an Open Educational Resource to Equip Students for Better Learning at the University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada” Pockets of Innovation, Contact North | Contact Nord, February 4, 2019. Link

16. Sarah Cookall. “U of O study: Chemistry students learn best by identifying patterns” The Fulcrum. January 16, 2019. Link

15. Marina Wang. “Meet the Editor: Canadian Journal of Chemistry” Canadian Science Publishing. December 10, 2018. Link

14. Liza Agrba. “21 tips every first-year student should know” In Maclean’s university rankings for 2019, MacLean’s, December 3, 2018. Link

13. Visser, R. & Flynn, A. B. “Developing Open Educational Resources in French and English for Students of Organic Chemistry at the University of Ottawa, Canada” Pockets of Innovation, Contact North, May 25, 2018. Link

12. Liza Agrba. “How 3M National Teaching Fellows Improve the Classroom” Maclean’s, April 12, 2017. Link

11. eCampusOntario “eLearning Seminar & Showcase: Why Online Learning is Important to Faculty” YouTube Link

10. Tim Lougheed. “Overcoming Teaching Challenges in Organic Chemistry”, ACCN - Canadian Chemical News / L'Actualité chimique canadienne, March/April 2016. Link

9. David Read. “Reorganizing Organic Chemistry”, Education in Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry, June 17th, 2015. Link

8. David Read. “Flipped Chemistry Revisited”, Education in Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry, March 5, 2015. Link

7. Smith, V. “What is Blended Learning?” University Affairs Magazine, November 5th, 2014. Link

6. “Organic chemistry students get online support for knowledge gap.” ACCN - Canadian Chemical News / L'Actualité chimique canadienne, July/August, 2014. Link

5. Abraham, S. The new active learning classroom. uOttawa Gazette February 12th, 2014. Gazette.uottawa.ca/en/2014/02/the-new-active-learning-classroom/

4. Wellman, L., Professor Alison Flynn’s university transition program: 450 students strong! uOttawa Gazette, October 3rd, 2011. Gazette.uottawa.ca/en/2011/10/professor-alison-flynns-university-transition-program-450-students-strong/

3. Irving, T., New Online Tool for Organic Nomenclature. ACCN - Canadian Chemical News / L'Actualité chimique canadienne, January, 2012. ACCN.ca/index.php?ci_id=3264&la_id=1

2. Innovative practices in teaching and learning earn University of Ottawa professor inaugural award. The Thinker, June 2012. Calameo.com/read/0002180703314050c8407

1. Teaching / Learning Grants awarded in 2012. The Thinker, September 2012. SAEA.uottawa.ca/images/stories/thinker/the_thinker_september_2012.pdf

Open education resources

  • LEAD: Lifelong education and development. A course for graduate students and others working in advanced environments in any discipline. Co-designed by graduate students and professors from four Canadian universities, 2024.

  • Growth & Goals. A module designed to help learners in any discipline and level become more strategic, adaptable, and proficient in their learning. Can be taken independently or integrated in courses and other settings. 2018.

  • OrgChem101.com. An interactive chemistry learning tool with modules on nomenclature, symbolism of organic reaction mechanisms, and acid–base chemistry, 2010.