Ahmed and Alison found a correlation between fluency in organic chemistry's "language" and cognitive load. ChemRxiv has the preprint.
Jacky and Alison's research featured in C&EN!
New publication on Systems Thinking in Chemistry Education!
New publication on the experiences of chemistry trainees from diverse language backgrounds!
New publication on language and chemistry reasoning!
New e-book on "Inclusive education: simple strategies to improve equity and embrace diversity"
New publication on Systems Thinking in Chemistry Education!
New Publication on Systems Thinking in Chemistry Education!
New publication on card-sort tasks in organic chemistry!
Congratulations Alison on your new book chapter!
Congratulations to Jacky and Alison on their new published manuscript!
Congratulations to Myriam, Romeo, and collaborators for their latest preprint in ChemRxiv!
Remote teaching: a guide for teaching assistants
eBook on Remote Teaching is out!
Congratulations on the new article, Mark and Alison!
Congratulations on the new article, Myriam and Alison!
Congratulations on the new article, Myriam, Rebecca, and Alison!
Myriam, Rebecca, and Alison have published a new article titled: Evaluating students’ learning gains, strategies, and errors using OrgChem101’s Module: Organic Mechanisms — Mastering the arrows.
Here is the link to the article:
Post-test versus pre-test scores: Overall (left, blue circles), for LO1: Draw the arrows (middle, red triangles), for LO2: Draw the products (right, yellow squares). N = 103.