Kevin, Emily, and Alison will be presenting the Growth & Goals module at uOttawa — Flynn Research Group

Kevin, Emily, and Alison will be presenting the Growth & Goals module at uOttawa

Kevin, Emily, and Alison will be presenting on the Growth & Goals module as part of uOttawa’s Teaching and Learning Support Services (TLSS) Training and Events Program. The event will take place on Wednesday, 15 May 2019 from 11:30 to 14:00 in Vanier Hall - Room 1042.

There will be two parts to the session: in the first half, Alison will describe what the Growth & Goals module is and how it was developed. She will also highlight research evaluating the module’s impact on students at uOttawa.

In the second half, attendees will have an opportunity to explore and adapt the module to their own course. We recommend that you bring a laptop and a few course learning outcomes to get the most out of this part of the presentation!

Attendees are welcome to attend one or both halves of the session!

Seats (and lunch) are limited for this session! Click here for more details on the event and click here to sign-up.