Alison, Amanda, Keith, and Myriam are excited to be presenting their work at the 101st Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition in Edmonton, Alberta! See below for more information regarding their presentations, or visit the 101st Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition website for complete list of speakers and presentations.
Presentation Details:
Alison will be giving a talk entitled "An intended, enacted, and achieved framework to evaluate a new organic chemistry curriculum" on May 28th from 9:00-9:20 in the Riverview Room
Myriam will be presenting her poster entitled " Organic Mechanisms: Is it a useful tool to teach students the electron-pushing formalism?" on Monday, May 28th from 18:00-19:30 in Hall A
Keith will be giving a talk entitled "An electronic card sort task to investigate students’ changing interpretations of organic chemistry reactions" on Wednesday, May 30th from 8:00-8:20 in the Riverview Room
Amanda will be giving a talk entitled "Exploring how static and dynamic representations of reaction mechanisms affect learning, mental models, and brain activity" on Wednesday, May 30th from 9:20-9:40 in the Riverview Room
Myriam, Amanda,Keith, and Alison celebrating a great week of presentations at the 101st Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition!